The Minneapolis office focused their community impact on North Minneapolis in 2023. Employees volunteered with NorthPoint Health & Wellness, a client and nonprofit partner that caters to the community’s health, wellness, nutritional needs and more, and is a pillar of the community. Employees served on seven out of ten Fridays of the Fresh Food Fridays Program, a program that provides fresh produce to the community. Plus, two internal food drives donated more than 1,500 pounds of food to NorthPoint’s Food Shelf. The Minneapolis team also got involved in Hospitality House Youth Development, which focuses on the development of inner-city youth and their families. This year, we held a school supply drive, supported their spring fundraising breakfast, donated proceeds from our annual charity golf fundraiser, and our Moment Connection chapter volunteered for their Christmas with Dignity program. In September, the team did a Hearts and Hammers build, with participation from field and office staff, as well as Moment Connection. In addition, we are just beginning to engage with Northside Culture (NC). We will build from our momentum in 2023 to continue to uplift our surrounding community and help build collaboration between organizations who can all build off the success of each other to empower the neighborhood.