JE Dunn built a 38,000 square foot new building and delivered 17,500 square feet of renovations to an existing building on the occupied campus of Pinellas Technical High School. The new building includes an administration wing, classrooms, labs, restrooms, and multi-purpose/cafeteria space. Renovations to the existing building included the replacement of all ceilings and light fixtures, as well as new paint in all rooms. The administrative office area in that building was converted into a laboratory teaching space.
JE Dunn also added an 8,797 square feet new veterinary building to ROJTHS campus. The new building is home to two Veterinary classrooms, a veterinary Laboratory with dog wash, laundry and custodial areas, a shower, lockers for the student’s farm attire and mechanical and electrical service rooms. The scope also included demolition of four buildings on the existing campus, the addition of a new bus loop and renovation of the front entrance of the school’s campus.