In the bustling world of manufacturing projects, where each endeavor possesses its unique character and challenges, a recent live panel hosted by Construction Dive shed light on the keys to success in this dynamic industry.
Erik Magsamen, vice president of industrial and manufacturing at JE Dunn was among those executives included in the panel. Magsamen and others ingrained in the manufacturing world shared valuable insights emphasizing the significance of community engagement and labor management in navigating the manufacturing construction boom sweeping the nation.
“We really have to work [with] very detailed, diligent budgets that make sense, where we’ve really thought through everything that is not on a drawing,” Magsamen said, elaborating on the constant effort it takes to stay on track.
As the sector experiences a surge in mega projects, the executives highlighted the evolving landscape of bidding processes, emphasizing the shift towards solution-based proposals over traditional low bids. They stressed the importance of meticulous pre-planning, strategic procurement, and timely project delivery to secure and excel in these high-stakes contracts.
Amidst the competitive environment, the panelists underscored the critical role of community relationships in project success, advocating for active involvement and support within the project’s local surroundings.
“I think the little things like that matter — having that community outreach, doing the Christmas toy drives and being part of the community,” Magsamen said. “You’re there for two, three, four years, and you’re a part of that community and really embracing that.”
Building strong ties with both clients and communities is essential, the panelists said, for fostering a positive project environment and long-term success. Additionally, the challenge of labor shortages continues to loom large as the industry faces a significant need for skilled workers. Panelists discussed the importance of treating workers well, providing attractive job environments and investing in recruitment strategies to address the labor scarcity effectively.
Magsamen along with fellow executives from companies such as Detroit-based Walbridge’s vehicle manufacturing group and Lexington, Kentucky-based Gray Construction, highlighted the potential of technology as a solution to enhance efficiency and productivity in manufacturing projects. While acknowledging the benefits of automation and robotics, they emphasized the importance of not losing sight of the skilled workers on the ground who are essential to project success.
A full summary of Construction Dive’s live panel with more in-depth detail on the topics discussed can be found at the link below.